Welcome to the NESTVAL 2021 Meeting
For more information about the NESTVAL 2021 Meeting, please visit the website here.
Abstract Gallery
Session Schedule Gallery
Please contact meeting@aag.org if you run into any technical issues.
Cross Promoted Sessions:
- Healing in Leadership: An open discussion and sharing of healing practices that contribute to departmental, collegial, and personal well-being, with facilitators Deborah Thomas (UNC Charlotte), Shannon O’Lear (U Kansas), Fernando Bosco (San Diego State U), Emily Skop (U Colorado, Colorado Springs), and Jeffrey Lash (U Houston Clear Lake). Friday, October 15, 3:00 – 4:30pm Eastern
- Stand-Alone Geographers: how new opportunities and technologies can benefit you when you are a department of one (or two) with Jason Greenberg (Sullivan U), Daniel Warshawsky (Wright State U) and Eric Spears (Columbus State U). Friday, October 15, 1:30 – 3:00pm Eastern
- Pandemic Silver Linings: An open discussion and sharing of how COVID has helped us improve our teaching, with facilitators Eric Fournier (Washington U St. Louis), Jing Li (U Denver), and Trushna Parekh (Texas Southern U). Friday, October 15, 12:00 – 1:30pm Eastern
Career Paths
- Career Paths in Human Geography: professional geographers discuss their career paths and strategies for finding employment in human geography-related occupations. After introductions and brief remarks from the panelists, the second half will be reserved for open Q&A. Thursday, October 14, 2021, 3:00 - 4:30 pm Eastern
- Career Paths in Physical Geography: professional geographers discuss their career paths and strategies for finding employment in physical geography-related occupations. After introductions and brief remarks from the panelists, the second half will be reserved for open Q&A. Friday, October 15, 2021, 3:00 - 4:30 pm Eastern
Other Session(s) of Interest
- A Reckoning in Boston, This is a special virtual screening of a new, award-winning independent film about race, space, and place in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhood, including a post-screening discussion with the director. Saturday, October 16, 1-4 pm Eastern.
Streamed sessions from the in-person meetings (AGC, EL/WL, and NESTVAL sessions will all be streamed)